About Diana

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Diana is a Printmaker who also loves Pastels and Painting. Well alright any form of creativity! I love mythology. The Greek goddess, Artemis is the equivalent of the Roman goddess, Diana. I often use Artemis as a username. In this case I kind of enjoyed the play on words of Arty Miss.

Thursday, March 21, 2019

What is Paverpol?

​​Paverpol was created by a group of Dutch artists in the early 1990's as an environmentally safer alternative to resin. It was originally used to create large sculptures for carnival floats. Once you try it you'll see why it has become the leading textile hardener/cloth sculpting medium worldwide. 

 In 2007 www.paverpol.ca was set up by the importer and distributor of Paverpol for Canada to provide information on Paverpol and to keep you informed where a workshop can be booked, find new ideas, where Paverpol can be purchased, events involving Paverpol, etc.

Paverpol is a water based decoration– and textile hardener. A first class product, which has acquired a prominent place among artists and hobbyists for more than a decade.

Paverpol is non-toxic and water based, therefore it is not necessary to wear gloves. With the AP seal
for non-toxicity [Click and drag to move] ​​ from ACMI (Art & Creative Materials Institute), just clean your hands and tools with warm water and soap.

ENDLESS POSSIBILITIES …Paverpol makes rock-hard materials of: – textile, fabrics, paper, leather, moss, tree branches.

Use it on ( baby) clothes, dry- and silk flowers, clay, Styrofoam, paper Mache, bark fibers, decorations and much more and it is sealed forever. Create stone-look figures using Paverpol and Art Stone.

OUTSIDE… Materials that are hardened or sealed with Paverpol can be placed in the garden or patio throughout the year no matter how cold or wet it is outside!