About Diana

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Diana is a Printmaker who also loves Pastels and Painting. Well alright any form of creativity! I love mythology. The Greek goddess, Artemis is the equivalent of the Roman goddess, Diana. I often use Artemis as a username. In this case I kind of enjoyed the play on words of Arty Miss.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Seriously Whimsical or Whimsically Serious

I’m excited. My “Phenomenal Reality” project has grown up and moved out of the house. It’s living it’s own life; seeing new people and places. It doesn’t really need me any more.

But that’s not why I’m excited. I have a new baby, and I can’t wait to raise it.

Shhhhh. This is secret squirrel stuff. We don’t want to give away too many inside secrets.

I’m going to work with paper. Not on paper, with paper. Lumps and piles of soggy paper stuck to 2′ x 2′ ceiling tiles as a 3D relief carving.

The pieces will be modular, each tile can stand alone or attach above, below, or beside another tile to build larger pieces.

The process involves kitchen blenders, rag paper, fabric scraps, liquid latex, plaster, plastilina , fabric dye, water colours, & ceiling tiles. Fun stuff, right?

Here’s the surprise. Each piece will incorporate works of fantasy. Surprised? I know, I’m so stepping out of my normal genre!

Here is what I’m thinking. Forest dwellers and abodes. Green men, sprites & elves. You know, all the things normally seen in a forest.

Some elements might repeat or wander through several tiles; leaves, vines, staircases.

I gotta get to the drawing board and get this show started. This is serious stuff (and secret).